

Webs with squirrelmail:


Emerge the packages

echo mail-client/squirrelmail vhosts spell filter -ldap >> /etc/portage/package.use
emerge squirrelmail

To install squirrelmail-1.4.16 into a virtual host, run the following command:

webapp-config -I -h -d squirrelmail squirrelmail 1.4.16

Post installation instructione by webapp-config:


 * You must edit the following configuration files to setup your server.
 * Note that not all of them may be present depending on USE flags.
 * config/config.php
 * plugins/retrieveuserdata/config.php
 * plugins/virus_scan/config.php
 * plugins/gpg/gpg_local_prefs.txt
 * plugins/ldapuserdata/config.php
 * plugins/show_ssl_link/config.php
 * plugins/secure_login/config.php
 * You should also create the file 'config/admins'
 * containing the users who should have access to administrative options.
 * Put each login on its own line, and be sure to leave a newline at the
 * end of the file.
 * You can use the console based configuration tool by executing:
 * cd config; perl


I used the console based configuration tool

cd /var/www/
  1. Organization Preferences:
    Organization Preferences
    1.  Organization Name      : Thinkthinkdo
    2.  Organization Logo      : ../images/sm_logo.png
    3.  Org. Logo Width/Height : (308/111)
    4.  Organization Title     : Thinkthinkdo $version
    5.  Signout Page           : 
    6.  Top Frame              : _top
    7.  Provider link          :
    8.  Provider name          : Thinkthinkdo
  2. Server Settings
Server Settings

1.  Domain                 :
2.  Invert Time            : false
3.  Sendmail or SMTP       : SMTP

A.  Update IMAP Settings   : localhost:143
B.  Update SMTP Settings   : localhost:25
  1. Folder Defaults -> nothing changed
  2. General Options (changes only)
    2.  Attachment Directory        : ../attach/
  3. Themes -> nothing changed
  4. Address Books -> nothing changed
  5. Message of the Day (MOTD) -> nothing changed
  6. Plugins -> (only changes)
      Installed Plugins
        1. administrator
        2. calendar
  7. Database -> nothing changed (yet)
  8. Languages (only changes)
    1.  Default Language       : de_DE
  9. Set pre-defined settings for specific IMAP servers
    Command >> courier
                  imap_server_type = courier
             default_folder_prefix = INBOX.
                      trash_folder = Trash
                       sent_folder = Sent
                      draft_folder = Drafts
                show_prefix_option = false
              default_sub_of_inbox = false
    show_contain_subfolders_option = false
                optional_delimiter = .
                     delete_folder = true

Save and exit.
Create the attach directory:

mkdir /var/www/
chown apache:apache /var/www/

Test the installation using complains about some php setting (that i ignore for now) [[BR]]

ERROR: You have enabled any one of magic_quotes_runtime, magic_quotes_gpc or magic_quotes_sybase in your PHP configuration.
We recommend all those settings to be off. SquirrelMail may work with them on, but when experiencing stray backslashes in your mail or other strange behaviour, it may be advisable to turn them off.

To allow some user to access the admin options using the webmail (unter Optionen -> Administration):

echo web1_admin >> /var/www/
Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on 04/01/10 08:02:25