
Version 7 (modified by admin, 13 years ago) (diff)



This page contains test instructions and file for sparx (thanks for you help btw.)

resurrection of the emmc (hopefully)

Download the files recovery-clockwork- and wpthis_cm2512.ko that are attached to this page.

Boot the old recovery:

fastboot boot recovery-clockwork-

Adb shell:

adb shell

In the shell mount a temp-fs:

# mount -o rw,remount /
# mkdir /temp
# mount -t tmpfs none /temp

In a second terminal push the wpthis_cm2512.ko to the phone_

adb push wpthis_cm2512.ko /temp/

Then cat the kmsg in the second terminal:

adb shell cat /proc/kmsg > kmsg.log

In the first terminal (the adb shell) - load the wpthis:

# insmod /temp/wpthis_cm2512.ko

The output should be: insmod: can't insert '/temp/wpthis_cm2512.ko': Function not implemented

Stop the cat of the /proc/kmsg and look for the output of wpthis.

additional information about the emmc

Use the following command (assuming that you still have the tmpfs mounted on /temp) to retrieve some additional info about the emmc (in the adb shell, all in one line, without the #)

# mkdir /temp/debug; mount -t debugfs none /temp/debug; cat /temp/debug/mmc0/ios; cat /temp/debug/mmc0/mmc0:0001/ext_csd; cat /sys/block/mmcblk0/device/csd

test of the new root method

Download the file that is attached to this page and unzip it to the same directory where you put all the other files. Open a terminal (or command window) on your PC and change the current directory to where the files are on your PC and execute these commands:

$ adb push psneuter /data/local/tmp/
$ adb push busybox /data/local/tmp/
$ adb push root_psn /data/local/tmp/
$ adb push su /sdcard/
$ adb push Superuser.apk /sdcard/
$ adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/*
$ adb shell /data/local/tmp/psneuter
$ adb shell

after the last command you should have a root shell in adb (this is indicated by a # prompt).

In the root shell (indicated by the #) that you got in the temporary root section execute the following commands:

# cd /data/local/tmp
# ./root_psn
# sync

You should not see error or warning messages this time because i changed the script a bit.

Wait a few seconds for the changes to "take".

Reboot your phone.

Open up a new adb shell and check if you can run su now.

Remark: When you run su for the first time in the adb shell make sure the the screen of the phone is unlocked. Because when you enter the command the Superuser app will show up and ask you if you want to grant superuser access to app Unknown (2000).

Check the Remember check box and click allow.

If you can't then open up a second terminal on the PC and run:

$ adb logcat

In the first terminal run su again and in the second check for "interesting" messages.

Attachments (4)