= libril.so = The purpose of this modified libril.so is to enable more debug output and to bring back the SIM unlock dialog for another unlock attempt. == Howto: == 1. temp-root the phone using Visionary from the AppStore or permroot the phone 2. Copy the attached libril.so to the root of the SD-card 3. In a shell copy the libril.so to /system/lib and restart rild and com.android.phone From a command line: {{{ adb shell }}} In the shell {{{ su mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 /system cp /sdcard/libril.so /system/lib/ killall rild killall com.android.phone }}} About 2 seconds after killing the com.android.phone the SIM network unlock PIN dialog should appear. Before killing the rild start a logcat in a second terminal: {{{ adb logcat -b radio > lc_libril.txt }}} The unlock attempt will fail an will increase the lock counter so don't so this if you don't know what you are doing.