
Version 4 (modified by admin, 11 years ago) (diff)


Android and Github

How to use github for android developmen

Local manifest

In .repo create a file called local_manifest.xml to replace the original parts with your github forks. It should look like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <remove-project name="Andromadus/android_frameworks_base" path="frameworks/base" />
  <project name="guhl/android_frameworks_base" path="frameworks/base" revision="jellybean" />
  <remove-project name="Andromadus/android_packages_apps_Settings" path="packages/apps/Settings" />
  <project name="guhl/android_packages_apps_Settings" path="packages/apps/Settings" revision="jellybean" />

Local branch and push

Create your local branch to work on:

git remote add origin
git remote show origin

If the remote branches are not shown as tracked do:

git fetch
git remote show origin

Checkout a branch

git checkout -b jb origin/jellybean

Now you can work on your local branch jb and push to the remote origin/jellybean

Update from original repo

Create a remote for the upstream:

git remote add upstream git://

Fetch the remote

git fetch upstream

Merge the changes

git merge upstream/jellybean