= gfree (by scotty2) = See [http://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/index.php?title=HTC_Vision#How_To_Get_R.2FW_Access_.28Permanent_Root_.2F_.22Permaroot.22.29] for instructions. == gfree_verify == Short HoTo: Download and unpack gfree_verify.zip and unpack it un your PC. Copy gfree_verify to the phone: {{{ adb push gfree_verify /data/local }}} Get a shell {{{ adb shell }}} In the shell {{{ su cd /data/local chmod 777 gfree_verify stop ril-daemon ./gfree_verfiy }}} You should see this output: {{{ gfree verify_cid returned: @CID: 11111111 OK gfree verify_secu_flag returned: @secu_flag: 0 OK gfree verify_simlock returned: @SIMLOCK= 00 OK }}} Start the ril-daemon again by using {{{ start ril-daemon }}} (or reboot your phone)