Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of garmin_rwr

09/11/22 18:11:52 (23 months ago)



  • garmin_rwr

    v1 v2  
    1 == R-W-R ==
    2 This page describes how to create a FIT file for a run-walk-run training and use it with a Garmin Coach "Jeff" Traings plan
    4 === Magig Mile calculator ===
    5 The attachement
     1= R-W-R =
     2This page describes how to create a FIT file for a run-walk-run training and use it with a Garmin Coach "Jeff" trainings plan
     3== Magic Mile calculator ==
     4The attachment 'R-W-R_Calculation_Template.ods' it a simple calculation sheet to calculate the R-W-R parameters based on the magic mile pace. This is how to use it
     5* In the Sheet 'MM' fill either the minutes and seconds for the mile in the cells I4,J4 or if it's easier enter the minutes and seconds for the first 1k in the cells A2,B2 and for the remaining 0.61k in A3,B3
     6* The target pace (in s/km will be calculated for the half marathon in cell E11
     7* In sheet 'R-W-R' this target pace is used in the cells K2,K3 to calculate the upper/lower pace limit for the Run sequence
     8* Maintain the values in cells F2,G2 and F4,G4 for the duration of the run and the walk interval.
     9* Maintain the desired distance in cell I7
     10* The needed result values are provided in the following cells
     11  * N2,N4: duration of the run and walk intervals in s
     12  * M2,M3: lower and upper pace limit of the run intervals in m/s
     13  * I8: Number of repeats of the R-W-R sequence
     14== Training file ==
     15=== prepare the CSV-File ===
     16The attachment rwr_template.csv is a template to create a training file for the R-W-R session. One has to maintain the values in the following cells (if you open the CSV in a spreadsheet application):
     17* E3: serial number (this is the workoutId of the scheduled workout -> see below on how to find the serial number of the scheduled training)
     18* H7: a meaningfull workout name - that will be shown on the device later
     19* E10: duration of the run sequence in seconds (= N2 from R-W-R_Calculation)
     20* K10: low speed in m/s (= M2 from R-W-R_Calculation)
     21* N10: high speed in m/s (= M3 from R-W-R_Calculation)
     22* E11: duration of the walk sequence in seconds (= N4 from R-W-R_Calculation)
     23* H12: number of repeats of the R-W sequences
     24=== Find the serial number of the scheduled training ===
     25There are two ways how to get the serial number of the scheduled training. One is from the fit-file on the watch and one is from the calendar on the connect web-application. I will not be very detailed here but one should be able to figure it out.
     26==== From the fit-file ====
     27* connect the watch to the computer in MTP mode and get the scheduled workout file from the /Primary/GARMIN/Workouts/Schedule/ directory (I normally know the correct one from the creation date)
     28* use the Garmin [ FIT-SDK] to convert this to a csv file using the command
     29{{{ java -jar /opt/install/garmin/FitSDKRelease_21.47.00/java/FitCSVTool.jar}}} where '/opt/install/garmin/FitSDKRelease_21.47.00' is the installation path of the FIT-SDK and is the FIT-file from the device
     30* in the resulting CSV file look for the string serial_number. If you open the CSV with a spreadsheet application the value should be in E3
     31==== From the calendar in the Web-App ====
     32The following description is for the current Chrome browser.
     33* go to an navigate to the calendar
     34* In Chrome select the 'More tools -> Developer Tools' (Ctrl-Shit_I) and in these tools select the 'Network' section
     35* Then click on the schedule item in the calendar and click on the 'NextWorkout?athletePlanId=....' item. In the panel to the right choose the 'Preview' Section and the look for the workoutId
     36=== create the FIT-File ===
     37Convert the CSV-file to a FIT-file and store it on the watch
     38* use your prepared CSV-file and convert it to a FIT file using the Garmin [ FIT-SDK] by using the command
     39{{{ java -jar /opt/install/garmin/FitSDKRelease_21.47.00/java/FitCSVTool.jar -c rwr_template.csv }}}
     40* cconnect the watch to the computer in MTP mode and either
     41  * replace the right file in the /Primary/GARMIN/Workouts/Schedule/ with your fit file
     42  * copy  your fit file to the /Primary/GARMIN/Workouts directory then it will just show with the name that you specified in H7 of the CSV file and you can select it when doing the next scheduled training instead of the original one