= flashgc (by skorgon) = flashgc is a tool for the HTC android phones to create a goldcard directly on the phone without the use of a external card reader or external service. It creates the goldcard image standalone and writes it to the micro-sdcard that is in the phone. == License == flashgc is licensed under the GPL v3. It's source code can be found at [https://github.com/skorgon/flashgc]. '''Please respect the license'''! == Mini How-To == Download flashgc that is in the attachments of this page and copy it to your platform-tools directory. temp-root your phone and then do from a terminal / command window from within your platform-tools directory: {{{ adb push flashgc /data/local/tmp adb shell cd /data/local/tmp ./flashgc }}} == flashgc and it's options == {{{ flashgc usage: Usage: ./flashgc [options] Options: --help Print this help message and exit. --cid Read CID from file . --backupfile Specify a path and file for the backup. --restore Restore backup image to sd-card. --dumpgc Dump gold-card image to a file. }}} '''Note''' Running flashgc without options will generate and install the goldcard image to your sdcard and creade a backup file of the first 512bit of the sdcard in your current directory that is called sdcardMbr-backup.img. So make sure that you either run flashgc from a directory like /data/local/tmp or specify the --backupfile option.