= TikiWiki = Install {{{ echo www-apps/tikiwiki graphviz mysql vhosts >> /etc/portage/package.use emerge -v tikiwiki }}} Install in vhost {{{ webapp-config -I -h -d tikiwiki tikiwiki 2.4 }}} Postinstall instructions by webapp-config {{{ ================================================================= POST-INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS ================================================================= Setup Completion --- If there is no existing TikiWiki install and database you will need to create an empty database for TikiWiki before starting setup. You can run "emerge --config =", or (MySQL): mysql -p -u root mysql <<__EOSQL CREATE DATABASE tiki; GRANT CREATE, DROP, INDEX, ALTER, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON tiki.* TO tikiuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'a_good_password'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; __EOSQL If you are using PostgreSQL, please consult your documentation. TikiWiki likes to have a generous PHP environment. Please edit your php.ini or arrange the settings through another mechanism such as Apache .htaccess files. Tiki requires PHP to have : ==> 'memory_limit = 16M' ==> 'max_execution_time = 60' Tiki likes PHP to have : ==> 'default_charset = utf-8' ==> 'file_uploads = On' Please read the files in /var/www/www.hmun.at/web/tikiwiki/doc especially if you want clean URLs under Apache. You may find further information on the Tiki website ==> http://tikiwiki.org/InstallGettingStarted Note: The equivalent of running setup.sh has already been completed. Now, point your browser to the location of tiki-install.php to complete the setup/upgrade. For example: http://www.hmun.at/tikiwiki/tiki-install.php You may need to manually rename tiki-install.php to tiki-install.done to secure your system. Enjoy your TikiWiki site. ================================================================= * Install completed - success }}}